Friday, January 24, 2014

Are HRSA 340B Audits Keeping You Up At Night?

HRSA’s budget was recently increased from $4.4 million to $10.2 million. The increase in funding is expected to enable HRSA to implement 340B program integrity compliance initiatives.

HRSA plans to conduct risk based and targeted audits of 340B covered entities. Using an audit protocol specific to the 340B Program, the HRSA risk based and targeted audits will involve an in depth review and focused audit of covered entities’ 340B Program operations and compliance.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

50th Anniversary of The Apothecary Pharmacy in Oakland, California

Yesterday, January 6, 2014, marked the 50th Anniversary of The Apothecary Pharmacy – which inspired Ramsell’s mission of serving the underserved.

Syl Flowers
On January 6, 1964, our founder, Sylester Flowers, started the first African-American owned community pharmacy in East Oakland, Calif. during a period when other pharmacies – independent or chain were fearful of venturing into the underserved communities. Syl eventually owned six community-based pharmacies across the Bay Area.